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what is lacuna?

lacuna was a newly rising zine in 2019. Wikipedia defines a zine (short for magazine) as a "small circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images." Lacuna which means "blank space" "missing portion" "gap," stems from the belief that Millennials born between the years 1996 and 1999 do not exactly fit into the ideas of the older Millennials and early Gen Z. 


In 2020, lacuna took a hiatus to give its editors time to deal with the realities of the pandemic. Now, in 2024, we are relaunching our independent punk zine. Now as a re-established zine, we have a mission to not only publish the weirdest shit we can find but also a mission to amplify queer content.


lacuna has rolling submissions for its online content, but during the year, our editorial team prepares for our annual print edition of lacuna. lacuna's print edition always has a theme. 


The founding team of lacuna:

  • - Erin Green (editor-in-chief)​

  • - Lillian Rouse (former managing editor)

  • - Kat Murray (former contributing editor)

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Former editors

  • - Mary Campbell (former contributing editor)

  • - Alexis Brayer (former associate editor; former social media manager)

  • - Kayla Crowson (former associate editor; former managing editor; former copy editor)

  • - Leslie Anne Smith (former contributing editor)

  • - Jasmine Goodman (former assistant editor)

  • - Dev Oak (former copy editor; former assistant editor)

  • - Terrie Palmer (former assistant editor)

  • - Jenny Allon (former assistant editor)

  • - Brianna Garner (former managing editor)

  • ​

meet lacuna's current editorial team


Editor in Chief 


(she/they) Erin works as a college instructor and is perpetually exhausted. They currently are the creator and co-host of the Black Brew Podcast and are a politics writer for TransGriot. They enjoy horror fiction, superheroes, Top 40s pop music, cocktails, and shaking they ass at gay bars. #BlackTransLivesMatter!!!

Image by Tim Mossholder

Managing Editor


EMAIL if you're interested in being our managing editor. This role entails:


-  email correspondence with contributors

- reviewing content for approval

- managing online submissions

- editorial leadership 


Acquisitions Editor

Leslie Anne

(they/them) Leslie Anne Smith has an MA in Publishing from the University of Derby and has worked as an ESL teacher in South Korea and the US. They are passionate about language learning, minority language preservation, traveling, postcards, football (the real one), and uplifting queer voices. They live out of a suitcase most of the time, but the return address for all their post is for Alabama. Fodd bynnag, bidden nhw bob amser yn dweud annibyniaeth i Gymru.


Acquisitions Editor


(he/him) Illustrator and Bird Reader Supreme. Zack has a BFA in Drawing from Jacksonville State University that he definitely does not regret. When he’s not avoiding being eaten by woodland critters in the backwoods where he lives, he enjoys wasting money on trading cards and grazing on charcuterie boards.


Copy Editor


(he/him) Jeremy is a perennial writer, traveler, and a theme park enthusiast from south of Derby, United Kingdom. With experience from doing an MA in Publishing from the University of Derby, Jeremy went on to gain experience in editing for Tiny Ghost Press and Phantom Media. As someone who adores sci-fi, he stands by the belief that Wall-E did its plot better than the somewhat similar Interstellar. No amount of free wine will change his mind.


Layout Editor


(she/her) Xantha got a degree in being a bad bitch. She loves art in all forms, especially animation and illustration. Xantha is a co-host of the Black Brew Podcast. She is also directionally challenged, and she doesn't believe that chocolate muffins are muffins. She believes that they are cupcakes.


Editorial Assistant


(he/him) Mitchell is a burgeoning writer, mixed martial artist, and coffee connoisseur from Belper, United Kingdom. With an MA in Publishing from the University of Derby, Mitchell has experience in sales and marketing and as a copy editor. He has also worked as a contributor for ScifiFantasyNetwork. He believes the best Star Wars film is Episode III: Revenge of the Sith; argue with the wall about it.


Social Media Manager


(she/her) Kendall is the chairman of the Anxious Girlies Department. When she's not worrying about things she can't control (which rarely happens), she is analyzing Taylor Swift songs, counting the days since One Direction's hiatus, and complaining about issues in American government. She loves Diet Coke and true crime podcasts. She is the co-host of the Southern Sleuths podcast with Erin. Kendall has a Master's degree in political science and an honorary Ph.D. in Yeehawlogy.

Interested in becoming an editor????

Lacuna is always on the lookout for more editors. Our editorial team is looking for editorial assistants to help manage our volunteer-ran zine.

Editorial assistants can help with commissioning new talent, email correspondence with contributors, and reviewing content for the online zine.

If you'd be interested in joining our editorial team as an editorial assistant shoot us an email at


We'd love to have you! 

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