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  • Writer's pictureLacuna Magazine

Them and You

"It's not for anyone, it's just for me."

But there are times when I can tell the poking and powdering isn't for "you"

It's not really for anyone 

Just the watchful eye of "them"

What will "they" think if I have acne?

What will "they" say about the hair?

What will "they" say about my skin texture?

What will "they" think if I have wrinkles and fat and any semblance of human life in my body?

It's stupid.

And it's hard to critique.

It isn't "your" fault, it isn’t anybody's fault

We're all just scratching around hoping to get or find something to show that we are worthy of anything at all

You can't truly tell what other people are thinking about themselves or others 

But sometimes it's hard to watch

Like a particularly gory scene in a horror movie

The poking and powdering, so grotesque 

I want to scream and tell "you" to not listen to "them" 

But the "them" slowly becomes the "you"

I wish to rip out my eyelashes, and smile hard, and absorb the sun, and eat sweets until I turn green

I wish to roll in the mud, and smell of sweat and onions, and grow the hair that is not allowed to grow, and cry, and scream

And to some, that is grotesque 

It's confusing.

It's sad.

Why do we do this to ourselves

The vicious cycle of

Empower to

Oppress to 

Empower to

Oppress to...

There is so much talk of what is for "you" and what is for "them"

The lines never quite stay separated though, do they?

I'm not sure

I'm only a hypocrite


By Izzy Bird (She/They).

Izzy Bird is a chemistry student with a deep love of the arts. They enjoy birding, poetry, and hiking with their partner. Right now, they're not really sure what else to put in their bio.

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